Christmas Orders Will Be Processed Until 19th December. Orders On/After This Date Are NOT Guaranteed Before Christmas.
At Pure Savage we provide several printing options, vinyl printing and small and large run transfer prints.
With vinyl printing letters and designs are cut from sheets of coloured vinyl and then heat pressed to garments. This is an ideal type of printing for simple text and graphics and is cost effective for small runs.
If you want more detailed text and images like photos then we need to print a different way.
The main difference with transfer printing as opposed to vinyl is the ability to print images with texture and detail.
We offer two different types of transfer printing, short life and long-life.
Short life transfer printing is ideal for t-shirts for stag and hen parties as it requires very little set up work and is being used on limited wear items.
Long life transfers are screen printed heat transfers which we use on orders of 10+ items. These prints are high quality, pin sharp prints which stand up to 60 degree washing and are very durable. They can be applied to almost any type of textile, from sportswear to hi-vis workwear.
At Pure Savage, whatever you the customer want on an item of clothing, rest assured we have a way of putting it on there.